
You have the power to MAGNIFY our efforts. How?

You can donate to our cause for the development of the operation and function of the hotline and the organization.

Who has been sponsoring you till now then?
Mostly, our determination added with the faith of Mr. Arman Mohammed, Co-founder of Cheez, Madchef, and Pagla Baburchi, our hotline technologies have been supported since November 2021. All of the external causes have been borne by the core team members of Mindspace.

Why do you need more funding then?
Our operations are mostly online-based. However, to reach a maximum number of people we are looking forward to arranging physical workshops, free mental-health checkups for the underprivileged, a fund for those who cannot afford parents’ support, and many more.

Great! How can I help?
Thank you for your interest!
You can send us your contribution through your Bkash, Nagad, or Bank Account.
DBBL account: Ring Road Branch

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